As the campaigns are running like mad to get their final message out, remember that we are a federal republic, which gets its power from the people. We pull the levels and mark the ballots. We can choose to continue as we have for 230 years. The change Barack Obama wishes to bring forth will fundamentally change the system HE benefited from...
Think of that...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Off for Vacation...
Well, of course, the election will come and go and I am off for vacation. There will be some intermittent blog entries over the net few days but I will back on November 11 to talk about the upcoming McCain-Palin Administration or to be watching the future Obama-Biden Administration VERY closely.
See you real soon! And keep checking back in...
Sarah Palin Hung in Effigy: UPDATE

Well, the West Hollywood homeowners have pulled down the Sarah Palin mannequin that was hung in effigy...
Good news... Maybe there is some sanity and perhaps, taste left in people...
Sarah Palin in Effigy No more!
Good news... Maybe there is some sanity and perhaps, taste left in people...
Sarah Palin in Effigy No more!
Obama's Defense Policy?
So, with Rep. Barney Frank (D-Fannie Mae) saying that we must cut the military budget 25% under an Obama Administration, Obama, in his televised Half-Hour Comedy Hour last night, said that he would "rebuild the military"...
OK, so that thought is scary enough. On Wednesday he said this...
What the heck is that? You know, the Gestapo was a civilian national security force, too... Just sayin'
OK, so that thought is scary enough. On Wednesday he said this...
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."
What the heck is that? You know, the Gestapo was a civilian national security force, too... Just sayin'
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Looking Forward to Baseball 2009...
I am so sick of this election... We're also on the brink of the end of the 2008 World Series... Here's looking forward to 2009 for my beloved Mets. This pic is courtesy of Chris, AKA, 'islandxtreme' who has been a great photographer of the Mets new home...

IBD's Michael Ramirez Is On The Money...
Why I Support John McCain
People who know me know I do not love John McCain. I voted for Mitt Romney in the NY GOP Primary. However, for President I support John McCain and Sarah Palin. Here are my 10 reason why I am for John McCain.
1. John McCain is Pro-Life
2. John McCain is in favor of smaller Federal Government and is against earmarking and pork barrel spending.
3. John McCain supports a strong National Defense.
4. John McCain is committed to winning the War on Terror and not enabling our enemies.
5. John McCain will extend and enhance provisions of the Patriot Act
6. John McCain will extend Bush tax cuts and cut Capital Gains taxes
7. John McCain is a Genuine American Military hero
8. John McCain has 25 years of experience in the US Congress
9. John McCain is in favor of free market solutions to health care and the current economic crisis
10. John McCain believes in self-reliance to achieve the American Dream.
Palin Subway Ad

So, riding the subway home last night, I see this tasteless ad from Manhattan Mini Storage. If you can't read it, it says, "What's More Limited, Your Closet or Her Experience?" And the person has a button on that says CHOICE with a strike through.
Of course, the clever folks at Manhattan Mini are poking fun at Sarah Palin as they have done With President Bush and VP Cheney. It's tasteless but of course, they are playing along to the NYC crowd who probably feels very similar.
Tasteless and typical.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Rev. Wright... The BEST? Am I on Jupiter?
So, once again, we see what excellent judgment the man who would be President has... This is quite an interesting comment from 1995...
The folks at Stop the ACLU have uncovered a telling video... Obama: Rev. Wright is the 'Best of What the Black Church Has to Offer'
The folks at Stop the ACLU have uncovered a telling video... Obama: Rev. Wright is the 'Best of What the Black Church Has to Offer'
This is Not a Hate Crime...
So, the ever-vigilant LA County Sheriff's Department has responded to this Halloween 'display' with the following noodle-spined assessment...
Great, so this is not a hate crime, but would the hanging in effigy of, say, Barack Obama be?
"I'm not defending this; I'm not criticizing it. It doesn't rise to the level of hate crime,"
Great, so this is not a hate crime, but would the hanging in effigy of, say, Barack Obama be?
Researching Obama in Chicago - Comapring US to Nazi Germany? What Next?
Folks are digging deep into Chicago Radio Station WBEZ-FM's archives to find more interviews done with then State Senator Barack Obama. Well, after finding the 2001 interview where Obama advocates socialism in America, he later advocates another position with regard to 1960's America...
Wow... So State Senator Obama felt that American tactics in the 60's and 70's (assuming in the Civil rights movement) were similar to tactics of Nazi Germany? Forgive me but I do not recall 6 Million people being exterminated in order to form a more 'perfect' society.
And this man wants your vote...
“...just to take a, sort of a realist perspective...there’s a lot of change going on outside of the Court, um, that, that judges essentially have to take judicial notice of. I mean you’ve got World War II, you’ve got uh, uh, uh, the doctrines of Nazism, that, that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what we have going on, back here at home.”
Wow... So State Senator Obama felt that American tactics in the 60's and 70's (assuming in the Civil rights movement) were similar to tactics of Nazi Germany? Forgive me but I do not recall 6 Million people being exterminated in order to form a more 'perfect' society.
And this man wants your vote...
Monday, October 27, 2008
LA Times Covering Up? No Way...
So, now add the Los Angeles Times to the list of insanely 'in the tank' fossil publications for The One... Apparently, they are in possession of a video showing Barack Obama at a farewell celebration for Khalid Rashidi. Mr. Rashidi is someone whom Mr. Obama has had interactions with in the circles of Radical Chicago. Mr. Rashidi is a former operative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. This particular farewell included 'toasts' to the Rashidi's from a number of former PLO'ers (which turned the event into a sad anti-Semitic forum), Senator Obama and, yes, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (you know, those pesky 'neighbors' of That One.)
The link is from Gateway Pundit. LA Times Has Video, Refuses to Release It
If you value freedom and knowledge, you want to know everything you can about a man who has a better than 50/50 chance at the Presidency, contact the LA Times here.
The link is from Gateway Pundit. LA Times Has Video, Refuses to Release It
If you value freedom and knowledge, you want to know everything you can about a man who has a better than 50/50 chance at the Presidency, contact the LA Times here.
Bombshell 2001 Obama on Chicago Radio - Socialist Agenda for America
So, apparently, Illinois State Senator Barack Obama appeared on Chicago Public Radio in 2001 to discuss issues related to his constituents in Chicago. Obama proceeded to discuss redistribution of wealth and laments that more radical US Supreme Courts did not address the issue. He discussed how the US Constitution is a fluid document that does not stray much from the Founding Fathers original intent and that it should roll more with the times, particularly in allowing the federal government to control more portions of people's lives.
In the hope and change America, according to Obama, we won't have the silly “constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution” — and in so doing, achieve “social justice” through “redistributive change.”
This is his socialist agenda for America. This man should never have been elected as a US Senator, should not even be allowed to sniff the White House. Wake up people, before it is too late!
Audio From 2001 Barack Obama Radio Interview
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