This plays nicely into the story below. The MTA is poorly run, the system is poorly maintained. Employees are wasteful and take no pride in their work.
NEW YORK (AP) -- The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has passed a 2009 budget that ultimately would raise subway and bus fares in New York while cutting service.
The agency says it needs to raise fare and toll revenues by 23 percent in order to plug a budget gap worsened by the global financial crisis. Board members say they still hope for a bailout from Albany or Washington that might allow them to avoid the
increases. Details of the hikes and cuts won't be finalized until early next year. Under the worst-case scenario, a single bus or subway ride could rise to $2.50, and a monthly pass could cost around $100. Service cuts would include the elimination of bus and subway lines in areas where there is either low ridership or a duplication of services.
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