Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Morning Profiles in Crapiness

Good Friday morning all!

So, this is part of the loveliness that comes from waiting for the bus in the morning... Busy intersection, lots of crap...

Brought to you by the ever-meticulous NYC Department of Transportation and their compadres at the MTA (Going Your Way?).


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    That looks really good... Quality effort there.

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    we care about safety....??? too bad we don't have a photo of the completely dense girl who walked OVER the piles of crap instead of AROUND them. really smart people live in our area...

  3. That was a classic moment... It's as if all of a sudden there is this obstruction in the middle of the sidewalk...

    Not the class valedictorian...
